Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Room 237

That skier at left?  A minotaur, actually, according to
some dipshit.
Ian (I think?) had said this was terrible and it was.  I had read articles about The Shining conspiracies phenom like anyone.   I knew the Bride would hate it, so the Bun and I settled in and watched it while she was at a neighborhood meeting thing last night.  Terrible sound, never do they show any of these goofs with these wacky theories, no revelations you haven't read you could do what these people are doing with most any movie: "That scene in Terminator 2 where Ed Furlong's foster dad gets jabbed through the head by Bob Patrick's cyber arm and the carton of milk is stabbed, too?  That's a message that Jimmy Cameron was getting ready to help fake those weird cow slaughter/genital abductions in the 90's!"

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