Tuesday, July 19, 2011

"Our promise: Minimal stemweight, zero chewthroughs"

So much to catch up on, BUT - we have two restaurants so far taking regular delivery of our faboo crops. The "locally grown" meme has proven too strong even for the shitville that is here to resist!

Like some character out of Pearl S Buck or maybe a collective farm internee, the pregnant Bride picks through basil:

Take that, Marcella Hazan!


Below is a typical "pound" bag of basil. It's actually about 11 oz. Nine bucks! So, if you are paying 2.39 for one of those 2 oz packages from the grocery (which will have a lot more stem than we are putting out there - see post title!) you are actually saving about 4 bucks for a better product!

We are going to be so impossibly rich! Or, if not, I can take the unsold leafage, stitch it together and draw pictures of presidents on the faux bills with a Rapidograph and pass it off as dough!

1 comment:

LC said...

Seriously, I'd love to buy some fresh basil. Let me know when I can get some!