Monday, April 9, 2012

I'm about to curse

Also: using Monopoly guy for shorthand "anti-rich"speak
in your art project, photo caption or post-Banksy/post-Occupy
doomaflotchie is so played, hoss.
Hey, every bank of the twenty-first century: how in the fuck can you let your ATM's constantly always and forever every day RUN OUT OF FUCKING DEPOSIT ENVELOPES? 

Made a special trip to deposit a couple of checks last night, as they were starting to accrete ankle-deep like leaves around the place..."SORRY, WE ARE UNABLE TO DISPENSE AN ENVELOPE AT THIS TIME."

This should not be possible, even if I heard on my accidental-thirty-seconds-every-six-months of Clark Howard last week that checks are going to be gone in seven years.

AND no way are so many people depositing those birthday checks from their aunts on any given day that running out of envelopes should be in any way possible.

I'm still angry, AND now I have a headache from pollen.

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