Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A Glasses Miracle

So then I got home last night and my eyeglasses were not under anything, on top of anything or, indeed, anywhere in the house.  Okay, thought I, surely they are under some old magazine or paperback on my desk back at work.  But nay!  So, dejectedly, I realized I was going to have to re-order the same frames and all the attendant rigmarole.

One last check around the workplace then yielded the needed miracle!

I did remember that when pulling my security badge out yesterday, the lanyard felt caught on something in my satchel doodad so I YANKED it free.  At that moment (still dark at 7:29 a.m. now), errant specs musta flew all free-like into the mulch that embanks the building!  Strangely, no native Ohio birds swooped in to use these frames for a basis for a nest.  Thanks, birds!

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