Thursday, October 11, 2012

Total heavyosity

Liberated this from a stack of free books.  Cray!

In Tuned Out I have written of the summer of 1967.  In many ways, it was the summer of the "hippies."  In New York's East Village, it came to an end with the fall, and with the murder of two young people.  The summer of 1968 will not be the same.  Other summers will come and go but the summer of 1967 will not resemble them.  The "drug scene" is no longer centralized in New York or San Francisco; it has already spread from colleges and cities to high schools in the suburbs.  It will probably affect, before it too disappears, every young person in the country.  But we shall all survive that as we have survived other disasters.
Maia Wojciechowska
Oakland, N.J., March, 1968

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