Thursday, October 25, 2012

Books books books

Well, I have stepped in it.  Sort of.

More covers like this, please
There are many, many boxes of books in the basement.  Stuff that I "need" but don't necessarily need to be able to put my hands on.  Charles Addams's bio, that sort of thing.  Non-vital JU, VN, etc.  Boxes and boxes and boxes.  I promised the Bride (a great reader, but not a book-keeper) that I would go through boxes looking for stuff to get rid of/sell at Half-Price.  Problem is, as soon as I open a box, I get transfixed into just nosing around, not putting on the "get rid of this" hat in any serious way. 

Last night I opened up a box and ended up reading A Light in the Forest by Conrad Richter, for god's sake [I had tried reading this as a kid and was terrified at 10 of the page 1 mention of a character dying of the "yellow vomit."  A pukey kid myself, this was just mortifying] and three stories from Pigeon Feathers.

What I really need is a case of mono and a week of rain.  Then maybe I would get something done?  But I doubt it.

Also, Book Fair at the fairgrounds is in in what, three weeks?  I doubt I can displace enough unneededs to counter the incoming tide of new stuff.  Then there's Christmas.

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