Monday, February 4, 2013

So intense was the rock

that my guitar strap actually fell apart two songs from end of second set, so I had to sit on the floor like I was in Blue Cheer and had had too many hits of bad windowpane.  No matter!  It was an excuse to go get a new strap, some strings and the first tuner I've purchased in 21 years.  Rah.  So, went to the gross-but-easy guitar center to be bummed out by the Sheer Awful.  Which worked.  But two things: 1.) a whole room of (seeming) dual turntables that were indeed mixers but were just for EDM jagoffs to pretend to spin (for a fee!) and 2.) these:

Yes, RZA's own branded headphones, years too late.  Plus: no Man With the Iron Fists tie-in?  Shameful.  And I had hoped that the packaging actually had green glowing doohickey to enhance the experience, but no, just reflections.  Sigh.

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