Thursday, June 27, 2013

Garden bed conclusion!

These at Cheryl's mentioned the other day.  You remember.

First, stop at the ol' manure patch at S.P.U.G.  In fact, people see me down by it and
call me that as a nickname: "There's Ol' Manure Patch...," they keen.

Just need enough to spice up the mix.

Lots of leaf compost, an upside down wheelbarrow and a shovel
come together to make a fine Gerald Murphy-esque composition.

Started pouring, of course.

Manure laid on the mesh and such about five inches deep.

Louis and I filled wheelbarrows, beating downpour, but then not and getting
The ol' dump and spread (twss) process.
Suitable for your heartier vegetables or perhaps
the vampire kid next door.

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