Thursday, June 20, 2013

Thinking hard about this

I hear this is good.
I'm way, way busy all the time, and yet somehow I imagine that after a long series of 5:50 am to 11:12 pm days I will have the energy or presence of mind at night to read a new book and get something good out of it but actually after about four or five pages the lines start to swim and my mind goes into a pre-sleep dreaminess and instead of what I'm reading I'm suddenly "thinking" of a couple of pine trees near where I lived when I was little (are they still there?) or about whether I went to high school with Stewart Copeland and then zzzzz.

What I'm realizing is that I am sadly becoming a re-reader, despite all the literally hundreds of thousands of posts on this blog admonishing myself to not re-read, but keep moving forward.  So, I am setting a more realistic goal: try to only read new stuff until I get to point in it where I realize I don't care all that much, that whatever I'm reading won't become a A Repeating Favorite.

Can I do this?  It remains to be seen.  But I am happy at the thought that you, dear reader, will hold my hand as me traverse this perverse netherworld of OUR own making.


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