Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Football post 3

The G.M., checking off the sheets
I've been in a football pool with friends for - let's see, this would be Year Five.  Year One, when I knew nothing about football, I won the pool twice, I think (it's just picking wins, tied total number of wins go to points)?  The next year I won two or three weeks AND the Superbowl pool.  In 2012 and 2013, I won NOTHING!  Not once.  Disheartening.

On Sunday night, I was under the understanding that I was tied with another "gamer" and that I needed the Chiefs to beat the Patriots to win!  That, of course, could never happen.  Still, Chiefs at home.  Tom Brady is tired.  Regardless, I bopped around optimistically all day, with a spring in my step that I had gotten that far.

Oh, but no - turns out that the Games Mistress herself had the Cowboys on Sunday night, which put her one game ahead of me.  She had the Patriots picked, but even if they lost, we would be tied on number of correct picks, so it would go to points.

I thought that last night would be a high-scorer, so I had blithely said, "Eh - 56 total points?"

So the Chiefs had to win and there had to be a shit-ton of points scored.

As another competitor put it:

You can check the results yourself.

So, in the last week, I have gotten a great job, we had a clean bill of health on the new baby and I won the football pool.

I have to assume nothing will ever, ever not go my way again.


M Big Mistake said...

In the middle of a "Packers vs Vikings" debate Monday night at rehearsal someone mentioned that they were a lifelong Cowboys fan (I knew he was from Texas, but I didn't know he was from THAT Texas). I don't care about football at all, but the chip installed in my neck at birth (born/raised near Houston) kicked in and I nearly said "The Oilers are the only team that ever mattered. Football is dead to me now." But I didn't say it cause I was afraid they would have taken me seriously and have wanted to debate about it. And I just wanted to go home and go to bed.

Long story, short...I'll pray for you.

Nick said...

This is awesome, in a Belle and Sebastian diary entry way. Which is great! Hope all is well, d(e)ar.