Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Getting it over with

It's time we mentioned my college career:

Fall 1987 - one semester completed
Spring 1988 - semester complete - academic probation
Fall 1988 - semester complete
Spring 1989 - academic suspension (no class)
Fall 1989 - semester complete
Spring 1990 - I think this is when I pretended to go to class?
Fall 1990 - semester complete
Spring 1991 - I really don't even remember what happened here...didn't go to class, somehow...
Summer 1991 - took some classes
Fall 1991 - lurked around campus, left



Anonymous said...

Two C's, 2D's and an F. Congratulations Mr.Kroger, you're at the top of the Delta pledge class.

Nick said...

I did get Tim Matheson's sweater recently.