Thursday, March 10, 2011

God help us all

Then something happened that was SO horrific I have taken a week to talk about it...I saw a license plate which, at first, I thought read "GO COMB," which is pretty good, right - either as advice (yes, by all means, comb your hair!) or as an insult ("You know what you can do! Go COMB YOURSELF!"). Then (and here is where the Wes Craven music would go) I noticed that taking up the full rear window was that awful Dave Matthews Band "dancing girl" (which probably has some grotesque nickname that the fans all know - "Sweet Spinderina tat, breh!" - lemme look - oh, the fire dancer, right) and I then snapped to and realized the plate was an enjoinder to:

I guess there was no room for "IF U HV NOTHN BETTR 2 DO - LIKE KILL YRSELF"

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