Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Someone remind me

to harass Chris Glass about what sort of camera I should buy. Have been using phone camera for this here organ, but obviously my "Walker Evans Meets Bruce Weber X 1,000,000" abilities demand a better lens-y picture thing. Camera. Whatever it's called. I heard rumors that M. Glass has a camera he just keeps in his pocket now and it's relatively low-tech. REMIND ME!


glass said...

I currently use a Lumix GF1 (now outdated by the GF2). It only fits in my cargo pockets. It's small, but not that small.

Lumix GF1: $800-$1300 (used/new)

Also recommended (more pocketable):

Canon PowerShot S95 $400.00

Canon PowerShot SD780IS $230.00

Nick said...

I'm off to sell plasma right after typing this! Thanks, Chris...