Thursday, March 3, 2011


It's Green Beer Day in the li'l hamlet where I pretended to go to college, and the local paper has its annual cavalcade o' shots o' kids doing it up. Alarmed that the kids are mostly all fat and not as hot as they were in my era - surprising, because even then I already looked like an upright container of dogshit. Also they dress for shit. Bummer! I would have thought another generation of conspicuous consumption, credit card/drug disarray and eating disorders would have lead to a sleeker breed. Look it up, if you like.

I guess I'm even happier than I knew!


Anonymous said...

... I'd take a long hard look in the mirror buddy.

Nick said...

Oh, no - not trying to imply that I am anything other than human garbage. Just expect more from the children of privelege, that they would have been morphing into some sleek new race, as in a more sci-fi Margaret Atwood novel.

I acknowledge that I am vomit in the shape of a balding fat man, fully!