Friday, May 6, 2011

A couple of INSANE plumber's tricks

1. Bread? Why would a plumber need bread? Oh - he can put it down a couple lengths of pipe which need to be sweated together, to absorb moisture. Then when a blow-torch is applied at the point to be fused, the heat turns the bread to toast. When the water is turned on, WHOOMP, there goes the the toast. Or WHOOT, there goes the toast, if that's how you roll.

2. Peppermint oil? Why th'? So, you have a leak somewhere in a pipe in the wall or floorboards or ceiling. Somewhere. So, run your pressure check, but put a drop of peppermint oil in the business end where pressure doodad is hooked up. Oil will blow through the pipes and you will smell it at the point where the leak is. As I said, INSANE.


plumber said...

Yes, it might look insane but very clever. Very few people knows that trick and only the plumbers can do it perfectly, no further damage can take place.

Chris Pia said...

This is an interesting article. Im not sure how I ended up on a plumbing article, but it was interesting to read.