Friday, May 11, 2012

Wait! Movie plot/s in full!

1. The Low thing

2. My trying to get the ATT router sorted (yes, a full-on movie of this!)

and then a third interwoven plot, for maximum The Hoursness:

3.  Tanaquil Leclercq - you know, the hot 40's-50's ballerina.  When she was 15, old George Balanchine cast her in a Red Shoes-esque charity ballet deal for March of Dimes where she was struck down and left paralyzed by Polio (played as a malevolent ballet-dancing spirit by Ballanchine).  They later married!  Then in 1956, poor Tanaquil actually fucking contracted polio and was paralyzed for the rest of her life!  WHAT THE?  George fretted that he had cursed her, and stuck around for another 15 years, then married a 26 year old (as one does).

ANYway, THAT is the missing third plot line to make box-office GOLD!

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