Thursday, July 23, 2009

Dash Snow, etc

Well, of course I'm looking forward to the inevitable Vanity Fair exhumation/excoriation of the life and times of Dash Snow. How could I not be? I will probably buy the book as well, because there is sure to be one and having it lying around is super-assholish in Koons-ian way [translation available - password required].

But, as Gawker pointed out, the goon left a daughter behind. Which is appalling. I've known two young guys who died through pharmacological misadventure in the last couple years and left kids behind (one baby was less than two months old - what a lead he will have, someday!), and, while Dash's daughter probably already has a contract with some gallery, it's still very sad and way too typical.

Plus his daughter's name is Secret Aliester Ramierez Messenger Santa Creeper Snow. Which is an anagram of "My dad is a spoiled druggy dumbass."

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