Thursday, May 20, 2010

OH! Garden!

Yes, all the plants are in at the South Park Community Garden/Urban Farm and Sorghum District Constituency Confab (tm).

Here is the water/hydrant doodad, in place and functioning, put in place by the good graces of my John Henry-like, supple and ultimately muscle-rippled upper body:

(water barrel projects are also underway - see next post!)

Here is the proud instigator of the whole shebang in ACTION:

And even the local yokel neighbor tots got involved! M. (center) showed an aptitude unparalleled for watering, and was also quite adept at taking a red Sharpie and drawing on leaves of a nearby tree, while her sister L. (right) looked stylish in silver vest and shared that she had a "four-wheel bicycle." That's not strictly a bicycle, darling, but good for you!

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