Monday, May 10, 2010

"She'll take THIS seriously..."

Anyway, the Bride had the day off Friday, and instead of napping all day (the nerve!), she got yet more compost for our various garden plots, and did a whole plethora of other stuff - including harassing the city water guys into hooking her up with an attachment to the fire hydrant on site at community thingy, so we can then water all of our crops.

I, of course, figure this will lead to some sort of disaster, our having to tighten and untighten a fire hydrant all the time; but then when the Mighty Conflagration occurs, yours truly will be rousted from sleep to be called into service, driving the last horse-drawn fire wagon in the city from burning corner to corner and using my summer-honed arms to unleash cascades of lifesaving water...PLUS, the heat will broast some of the tomatoes just right, so that's dinner made as well! Hurrah!

[portions/plot points of this post stolen from Animal House and "The Fourth Alarm" by John Cheever]

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