Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Pork store of TERROR!

So, last night we were sitting with our friend Mary out front of the house.

Drunk 50-ish guy comes wandering up with a Bud in a huggie (!) and said "You want to hear story about your house?"


Turns out this raconteur used to own the house next door! Or something. "I bought that house in 1969...I'm older than I look..." He also later said that he graduated from high school in 1976, so I guess there WAS a time when local 11 year-olds were wheeler-dealers in property!

"Yeah, I was a...cross guard up there at the school. I've done everything..."

Anyway, here were some of the mysterious revelations:

1. Previous owner had someone break in and that freaked her out and brought about her move.
We knew this, but did not know that "the house gave her a weird feeling." I wonder if this was the same weird feeling that made her paint the inside of the place dark, dark, womby colors in the style of Dorothy Vallens's place from Blue Velvet and keep a copy of Are You There, Vodka? It's Me Chelsea by her bedside. Maybe that was something else?

2. Owners before her were an air force guy and wife. They died in a plane crash! Together!

3. Before that "Ann" was there for what seemed like forever. Ann then died in the house and wasn't found for three months!

4. "They" say that, on a night of a full moon, one can sometimes see Tecumseh's mother's outline, quietly, patiently grinding corn on whatever the Shawnee equivalent of a matate is. If one speaks to her, she will just skake her head sadly and drink a forty and have some Funyuns.

Still, maybe the windows that were nailed shut when we bought the place weren't actually to keep intruders out, but to keep evil in.

That would explain Picci.

1 comment:

marfy said...

"I bought that house in 1969...I'm older than I look..." He also later said that he graduated from high school in 1976, so I guess there WAS a time when local 11 year-olds were wheeler-dealers in property!

OR! He was 40 when he graduated!