Thursday, June 28, 2012

Who profited?

If you think I will wade into the public with an opinion on health care in this forum, you're nuts enough  to be reading this blog.  Well, I shan't.  I will leave that to the crabbing savages on Fatebooth. 

But!  Conspiracies are all we have, right?  If things didn't go your way on this, or if they did, it's obviously the result of some elaborate skullduggery!

Which brings me to this - in those crucial sixty seconds when news outlets had the court results posted incorrectly: who profited during those sixty seconds? I want you to think on it.  Currencies and deals can move at the speed of fiber-optic housed light!  Bottomless fortunes could be made in those miniature eons.

Give up?

Well, what if I tell you it was the descendants of EZRA POUND???


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