Thursday, September 23, 2010


Went to mail something at the closest-to-work post office and was bedazed anew by this weird sculpture that still hangs in the lobby/queuing area:

Yes, it's Indian and Trader (1942), by Leo Schulemowitz!

Leo even sent a letter ahead, which hangs framed, adjacently:

New York, NY
April 30, 1942
Dear Mr Alexander,
This is to let you know that
the sculpture decoration for your post
office had been completed and shipped.
We will please see that no one
uncrates the sculpture until my
arrival as it has been packed in a special
I hope to arrive in Miamisburg
on the 14th or 15th of May to install
the panel.
With kindest regards,
Sincerely yours,
Leo Schulemowitz
A quick jaunt through the internet confirms that this was a bit of WPA New Deal art, putting artists to work. One can just imagine 1.) Leo happily cashing his check so he can go meet Grant Wood for drinks in the Village, and 2.) his dread at having to take a train to some godforsaken hole in the wilds to see his piece installed.
Poor guy!


Anonymous said...

Leo Schulemowitz was a good friend of mine in New York City years ago and I'm delighted to see what looks like a wood relief by him on the web. He was very knowledgeable on technical matters and quite proficient with materials, altogether a great guy.

Ellen Hanauer said...

Leo was my mentor. He badgered me to quit my job as an art director to sculpt full time. He was one of the kindest men I have been privileged to know. I miss him terribly