Friday, December 23, 2011


When you make a prequel, like this new Alien thing or those crappy Star Wars movies, care should be taken to make the special effects and such actually less tech than when the original came out. Y'know?

I watched this Prometheus trailer and the idea that this CGI gizmo is in any way related to the haunted house original of Alien is just crazy.

What someone (you!) should do, right, is a mega-meta movie about a sci-fi society that has undergone some sort of tech downgrade between its prequel and sequel. So, like the characters from the prequel arrive to see the people from the "original" (who are walking around in dusty Chinatown-style film, with "lazers"), leaving time for lots of Charlie Kaufman(sp?)-style hijinx, and everyone spends the entire movie sitting around discussing what could have happened. Sorta Philip K Dick, as well.

I'd like to see that, but then I hate the movies, barring ones I've seen before.

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