Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Sunday sauce through time

8 am - peel twenty cloves of garlic, more or less

Squish four 28 oz cans worth of San Marzano tomatoes. 8:30 ish...

Saute on low heat in cup of olive oil for about twenty or until the garlic cloves are "striped like the moons of Jove..." [?] Add a teaspoon of red pepper flakes for about a minute.

Now, add tomatoes and cook for 45 minutes...simmering all gentle-like. (9:20?)

Add your braciola and let them float around in the mess for about two and a half hours. Take them out and put in meatballs for a half hour.

Stir that shit gently and don't get scalding hot oily sauce on the baby, for Christ's sake!

Take sauce over to friend's house about 1pm, keep warm until everyone thinks they are super-hungry, cook pasta, slice up the room-temp pork and meatballs, place on cooked pasta with healthy slathering of sauce, gorge yourself and sit back and wait for the VIKINGS to lose!


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