Friday, January 6, 2012

God bless the Air Force

Did I mention that frequent blog subject baby Jack and his parents are moving to Germany in April, to be part of the Fightin' 3,715th (maybe)? Yes, the military life intrudes on our kids' best pal-hood. No matter! We will ensure that when dad is permanently stationed somewhere, they will be within spitting distance so our sons can have a falling out and reconciliation at age 11 over their mutual crush on the same girl, who will ignore them for some other kid called Manuel.

The other day, Andrew Sullivan had a link/story to someone (Copyranter, maybe?) who was talking about how clever this ad from the Netherlands is:

Yes, yes, cute. But WAIT! "Extra strong garlic sauce?" What the hell is that? Needless to say, they make nothing like that in the US, because we are all trash. And yes, all sauce and oils and jars and such made of garlic are nowhere near as good as the real thing.

But STILL! The best part is I can count on Jack's folks to not even unpack upon their arrival at Burpelson AFB, immediately commandeer/rent a Trabant and haul ass to Rotterdam or somewhere to procure me three (3) bottles of this stuff.


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