Thursday, February 19, 2009

Cock o' the block

Yeah, so, earlier today the dudes who come in a van to change out the office-rug doohickeys came in and one says "You guys know you have a rooster out on the sidewalk?"


Sure enough, here was a rooster to be reckoned with! That's actually him, pictured here.

We tried to catch him in a cardboard box so my gentleman farmer boss could take him home to the farm, but he was a wily cuss and when last seen was sitting across the road at the edge of the woods, ready to take up a feral pig lifestyle, darting at hikers from the underbrush, etc.

Fatal regret: when first apprised of this befeathered visitor, I wasn't quite expecting it, as one wouldn't be, I suppose. But I wish I had thought to say "Who?? You mean Skip?"

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