Monday, February 2, 2009

Spring (ish)

Just like one of those asshole kids I've excoriated previously, I walked around yesterday with no coat!

The sun was out, the mounds of dirty snow were melting everywhere and I decided that it was warm enough to doff my peacoat and walk around in only a shirt, sweater and scarf.

Then, this morning, I saw a commercial or maybe a local news story (I was barely alive), with our local buses doing something or other - BUT the file footage was shot in the first days of spring: the grass was fluorescent and the trees were mistily aleaf with fresh buds. It was then I realized, okay - I heart the snow, but am also grateful that the winter won't last forever, and am indeed looking forward to being actively physically tired of the ice and crap. Like, I wanna groan when the weather calls for more sleet.

That way, when spring does arrive (and it will), I will be all the more grateful!

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