Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I feel about listening to the Decemberists rather like I do about doing laundry: kinda dread doing it, then am glad I'm doing it in the midst of it, like I'm doing something good for myself...then, when I'm done, I don't feel the need to do it again for three weeks or more.

I have almost all of their stuff in one form or another...maybe I need to pare down, put all the "best" in one folder and move on. But then, inevitably, some song I hadn't selected for the collegtion will turn up on a "very special One Tree Hill" [strikethrough: Dateline] and I'll have to go "get" that track and add it to some folder somewhere and I don't have the time, with all this laundry piling up.

OK [deep breath] - that said, that "The Rake's Song" is absolutely the sickest/creepiest thing since, I dunno, Tori Amos doing "Bonnie and Clyde '97," maybe.

Plus I owe Colin Meloy big-time for getting that stupid "Road Rage" song all up out my giant, misshapen noggin:


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