Friday, February 19, 2010

1994 - so much to answer for...

Back in the 90's we had a sorta metal band called Nest. Our noms du rock were:

Gabe Hendryx - gtr, vox

Romeo Hendryx - gtr, vox

Gabe Haggar - bass

Chikki Stixx - the drums

According to the attendant bigger-than-life mythmaking, Gabes Hendryx and Haggar were brothers, the "Hendryx" last name being mere coincidence.

Anyway, we practiced and partied in Gabe Haggar's parents' basement. Therein there was a promo poster for some band with a "hot chick" thereon that was, at the time (I was going through a breakup), painful to look at.

So, yesterday, for the first time in at least, what, twelve years, I remembered this picture, yet could not, with force of all my will, remember what the hell the band was...I assumed it was some sort of greasy Monster Magnet-like, Supersuckers-y precursor to Fu Manchu. Argh. This Internet you hear about turned up nothing.
I emailed "Gabe Haggar" and he blackberried back that it was now driving HIM crazy, too.

Well, it turned out to be this:

"Your Ice Cream's Dirty"?
I mean, yes, hot, but all in all and in hindsight, probably some girl they found on Dave Navarro's lawn one morning, shaking bits of grass from her mane and mumbling in a Dutch accent.
Big deal!

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