Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Nick's Picks 2/2/2010

I'm not sure what exactly Twitter was, but I'm glad it's over...Updike was right when he favorably reviewed Flaubert's Parrot by Julian Barnes; it's a hell of a yarn...gonna give the rest of the afternoon over to Dane pop-group Alphabeat and see what I get...not much more disappointing in this life than brown rice...I'm famously a cat guy, but there's not a whole lot wrong with a good dog...people who go out of their way to say "no onions" when ordering food should be buried alive...Myrna Loy was quite a dish...I think Delphic just may be this year's English band I like for about a month and then never listen to again...whoever invented the calendar was a smart one...have I mentioned my favorite discovery of 2010 is Sunkist Orange soda?...Still hearing Jay-Z everywhere I go, but am guessing that the Raveonettes' "Boys Who Rape (Should All Be Destroyed)" will be the go-to ringtone for spring...the whole "trains for SW Ohio" sounds like a tax boondoggle of epic proportions and a new terrain for criminal activity - unless they deploy ED209...not liking JD Salinger is like not liking the Beatles. Liking JD Salinger too much leads to killing Beatles...

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