Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Strange purgatory

That campaign that Domino's has going, where they apologize for how terrible their product is? I watched the whole three minute shebang on Gawker a while back and something has continued to nag at me...the people in the test kitchen, right? What do they do all day when they are not changing the whole recipe? One guy says (if memory serves) "I've been here 24 years [!] and to be told that our pizza blows..." blah blah - but, other than a day or so a week where someone from marketing (those assholes!) might say "Hey! We should have pizza macaroni sticks!" and someone draws the short straw and has to make these up, what do they do all the time? Portraits in pizza? "Look! This looks like Willie Mays!" "I've arranged these wings to look like Betsy Ross!" Or, are they just saddled with some Sisiphyean (sp, but whatever) labor of constantly making pizzas which are then taken out of the oven at the last minute by some Cyclopean/cerberus-like creature who then throws the pie in the office park yard to some (displeased) raccoons?

Or what?

1 comment:

Mary said...

You know? I was wondering the same thing. Watched the whole docudrama on the interwebs, then actually BOUGHT and sampled the "new" pizza, then decided that those guys who have worked there for decades must have mad Centipede skills, non?