Thursday, February 4, 2010


I aim for a sort of fresh banality around here, one that runs along a Jeff Koons/Bret Ellis axis. Had you noticed? Time not wasted is time wasted, is my motto. Hey! I just made that up!

Anyway, Gawker had this pic of some drones working on a "new" Koons painting:

Now, my first thought was "Betty Page? Really?" Who CARES? Along with the fact that he's already done Popeye (pointlessly) into the ground and the dolphin thing was, what, 2002? I hate it!
But then I take a step back, pause in my venting and realize, No, he's just getting more and more frivolous and that is the point! Compositionally it's as uninteresting as a gift bag. Brill!
Bonus points to the guy wearing my friend Joe's mom's coat from the 80's.

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