Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Parsnips, darn it

The Times magazine of 1/24 had a recipe for a beef roast with pan-roasted winter vegetables and it basically changed everything. The beef had a simple-to-do herb/salt/brown sugar rub and the veg course (with celery root, carrots, parsnips and garlic in butter) was INSANE. I had never in my life known that the parsnip was such a mighty, mighty thing. But my superpower of picking recipes that will be good did not fail.

I URGE STRONGLY YOU TO MAKE THIS MEAL. Particularly if it's cold out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you know that carrots, prior to the 1930's, were white in the middle ala parsnips? You have food engineers at Campbell's Soup to thank for the consistently orange carrot! Parsnips, of course, are nothing more than a white carrot. I dislike cooked carrots but love cooked parsnips...who knew?