Monday, April 18, 2011


Whoa, we stopped for some sort of female to female adaptor or some such and I saw this at Radio Shack...FOR SALE! Not as museum piece.

Who would need this? Olds? Blind people, still wanting to listen to that old Noble House book-on-tape they never got to?

Surely there is not enough retro appeal that they would continue the manufacture of these "beauties" for the first-bearders, who would find a way to put some godforksaken poo on cassette to play ironically? "Dude - no shit, Veckatimest sounds tits through it..."

It made me all wistful; if only I could be back subbing paper routes, one of these stuffed in my bag, with such 1981 Certron-centric faves as The Wall, Moving Pictures, and Quadrophenia [soundtrack version].

Instead I have to pretend to work all day and write blog posts. Hey! That's actually BETTER!

Off to listen to more Clientele!

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