Wednesday, November 26, 2008

That memory guy who's always on TODAY

Oh, that guy sucks. Or those guys?, maybe they have two of these beardy wonders, I dunno; OH! I can't STAND IT!

Matt Lauer: Let me give you a date...

Beardo: Sure...

ML: June 17, 1976...

B: Okay, right...well, I know that that month, the movie Logan's Run came out. And on that date in 1972, they arrested the men who did the Watergate break-ins...

ML: Wow, that's amazing! You remember EVERYTHING!

BULLSHIT! I want to know news from the actual day, what he had for lunch, what he watched on TV, how he felt wistful when seeing a rabbit in his yard and was saddened that he never had a rabbit as a boy...none of this generality crap that anyone could do, with a weekend to prepare and a World Almanac.

All in all, better than watching Ann Curry climb the face of Devil's Tower, I suppose. But ANNOYING!

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