Friday, November 21, 2008


I always have appreciated how Warhol did those topical paintings: Marilyn dead? POW. Here's a picture. Country in mourning? ZAP! Here's Jackie with the kids at the funeral. Tuna fish poisoning disaster? Gimme an hour.

I had also said in an earlier post how I like Elizabeth Peyton; so much so, in fact that I have yet to give the book of her art that arrived a couple of weeks ago a thorough perusal (same with Eggleston tome, which arrived yesterday). But I have to say I got a Warhol-y frisson from this portrait from this just-past summer, because a.) it's SO well done and b.) it flies in the face of most other topical art in that it isn't chastening me about the world's water supply or vanishing hardwoods or whatever:

Yes, it's Michelle O. with one of the girls listlessly flopped over her lap, listening to her dad give his acceptance speech. The rendering of mom's dress here, in particular, is ORGANZIC.

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