Tuesday, August 3, 2010

"I was a basil baron's husband"

So, wait - we were all stoked about our garden, all the tomatoes and such, not knowing that local restaurants would be willing to give us seven bucks per large bag of basil! Last week we made 21 bucks!

Today, the Baron [formerly the Bride, but for purposes of these "selling" posts, the Baron] is taking three or maybe four bags of basil to restaurants [ones you would know if you live here, but I will respect their privacy; and I don't want to get caught up in some balls-out 'supply war' with local restaurant supply bullies, who would then take an ear of sweet corn, paint a face on it, string it from a tiny noose outside our porch door and write YOU on it], a bag of thyme, one of mint and some dill...we will see how much this nets.

And, see, if we do this once or twice a week, we can save all the dough in a cigar box and use it to buy next year's starts and seeds and maybe even a TRACTOR!!

Um, yay!

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