Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Get bint!

Is there a name for the phenomenon where one has never heard or noticed a word before, it appears on one's radar, then it's seemingly everywhere? If there isn't, there should be! Cognitive Assuagement Transubstandardizationing (or CAT - see how I slip that shit in?) or something.

Today, Maura Idolator had a piece about Women Being Slagged Off By Lazy Press Hacks in Summer (or: WBSOBLPHiS) and it had a quote from a Brit paper that said:

Female pop stars are not all talentless bints who clutter etc etc...

"Bints?" I just heard this word for the first time on Saturday!

It started, as most good things to do, with Hazel Bailey from Footballers Wive$. In the course of ordering some champers (probably), she called someone a "bint." I looked askance at the Bride. "Bint?"

Bride: [shrug]

So today I was driven to wiktionary and sure enough it is a "derogatory term for woman or girl," popular in the UK, and after the Great War it often meant "a bit on the side." Heh! Go, Hazel! Also cited was some famous line from Monte Python but God knows I don't care about them because if I even think about them some asshole will start doing that Knights of Nee (sp?) crap.

So, anyway, get out there and call some a "bint" TODAY!

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