Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Various farming thoughts

The Bride and I had a garden all summer, so the next obvious thing to do is become full-on farmers. "I'm thinking we can put in sorghum..."

Here are a few thoughts:

1. There are at least four knock-offs of The Old Farmer's Almanac...the shit versions come out first but I think they still make this one:

I jumped the gun and bought some piece-o-shit version and it was pretty crappy. Patience.

2. I had never seen how the loathesome brussel sprout actually grew until this last Saturday at the farmers' market...I thought they maybe grew like cabbages up from the ground, maybe. But no, they grow, triffid-like, on weird stalks [not sure if triffids were on stalks, but there you are]:

3. Next year - twice as many green zebras, for one thing. And more herbs: double the thyme, some friggin' chives...sage...I'm sure when seed catalogs start arriving in January I will go berserk and want to plant fenugreek or some such...

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