Thursday, September 10, 2009


Hey! So what if Death Panels (tm) aren't real? They will create themselves, just like hillbilly fundamentalist world leaders will cause the Apocalypse, right?

SO, to that end, here's how to pay for health care:

1) death panels

which lead to

2) BRIBERY of Death Panel Officials (or DPOs) to ensure that one's elderly, burdensome parent/spouse/mother-in-law is indeed sent to the glue factory, because the DPOs will certainly be susceptible to all sorts of graft and scoundrelry (is this a word?)...wouldn't you hate to take Aunt Mildred to the DP and have them say, "No, she's fine! Take her home!" Bring your checkbook!


3) mandatory tax reporting of what one makes in bribes as a DPO, which is then assessed at 65, no, 66.6% [evil, see?] and that will be enough cash to pay for your neighbor's new tits, etc!


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