Thursday, July 22, 2010

Sunglass dilemma

I never ever buy decent sunglasses because when I have in the past I have always lost/smashed them.

I haven't paid over twenty bucks for a pair in decades. Decades!

But, playing catch up with Mad Men afore the new season drops, I saw Don wearing these and even said aloud to the Bride, "Jesus, those sunglasses are tough...":

Of course, turns out Randolph Engineering makes and sells them under the model name "Ad Man" or close to it. I forget, I looked twelve minutes ago.

But I sort of need these really bad.

A dilemma!


Anonymous said...

Unless they come with a set of chiseled features, save your money.

Nick said...

Yes, I am a misshapen pumpkin-headed freak. I had forgotten!