Wednesday, February 23, 2011

NEW THING! Tumblrs I won't be starting

Everyone you have ever known is a millionaire now thanks to tumblr, or so I hear. And yet I soldier on, on the moss-behung Soviet-era Blogger. Bah!

Here. Take this idea and run with it. Just don't spend all your new-found booty in a week on ostrich-skin suits and platinum kayaks. And try to help people.


I mean, we all know that Busy Bee is in the room with them until they go to the contestant staging area. So where did it go? It's not like it's ever resolved.

See, then people can photoshop BB into the Egypt uprising, in the garage with Ruby and Oswald, or even into that picture of Paris Hilton and Fred Durst where Fred is wearing the Hatful of Hollow shirt. Whatever! Meme-o-riffic!

You are going to be SO RICH!

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