Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Will YOU be this dignified when they take you out?

Been reading a book about old King Leopold (a dick!) and his horrific hijinx in the Congo...anyway, his sister Carlota (nee Charlotte, but modified to fit her enforced Mexico-ruling status) and brother-in-law Maximilian were installed as regal figureheads in Mexico by Napoleon III in the 1860's (and Christ, is this sentence ever a mess!). The Mexican nationals rightly called bullshit on all this and in 1867 Maximilian the First officially became Maximilian the Last as they put him up to a firing squad.

But the tough part is that he gave all the gatos on the firing squad each a solid gold coin, pointed at his heart and issued a salutatory "Aim well, muchachos!"

When the Pitchfork forces come to get me for having the temerity to slight Oxford's finest, as in the last post, will I have the class to do the same? Will I?*

PLUS, in keeping with the follicular follies around here today, check the fresh face-fuzz on Max:

*maybe when they shoot, with my dying breath I will say: "Um...I dunno. 5.4?"

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