Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Lifting the lid

I've groused previously about how many pickles constitute "extra," so I won't continue that particular line of quixotic ranting.

But, how do you CHECK on positioning of pickles? Everyone knows that the bites with pickles are the best, so they should be saved for last, just as when eating a bowl of Trix as a child the red "berries" should be carefully left for last, as we all surely did. What, you didn't? FUCK YOU!

Anyway, I propose lifting the lid. Taking the top bun off your sandwich, then arranging pickles in a way so that you get the maximum pickleness for your sammich ducat. It's an inexpensive solution to one of the most vexing problems facing mankind.
(feel free to do that FAIL lettering over this picture, in observance of pickle dearth)

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