Thursday, August 13, 2009

Stormy Thom, et al

So, yeah, I'm almost recovered from staying up all night Saturday helping tend to a cooking pig, or, more precisely, helping those doing the actual tending stay awake.

Along about 4am, our friend/mascot/fuzzy compatriot Thom arrived, tagless, but was quickly given his proper sobriquet du cookout. He ate some cheeseburgers and chilled. Who would let such a great dog run free? Grrr!

Well, it turned out he had run away, but the kindly Bob Evans manager who ended up taking him home to his fenced yard quickly received a call - Thom was microchipped! Also, on his 4th owners, because he has diabetes and requires constant care. Don't tell anyone he was given bratwurst and Orange Slice. Well, brats, anyway! Plus his real name is Stormy.

Here is the scene at sunup, when we all felt a bit like Martin Sheen in the hotel room in Saigon, but the triumphant rays of sun underscored our porcine victory!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

have seen the blog in a while, glad to see thom and i made the cut. keep up all the good work here, we all depend on it for you are our gibraltar.