Monday, June 14, 2010


I guess that per Amazon the game is actually called Bananagrams, but we were all calling it Bananas...this could be the biggest thing out there since Glenn Beck's The Christmas Sweater for all I know, but it's a sort of Scrabble-type game that is indeed the most fast-paced and exciting sport since Uno!

As in some sort of mad 60's dance like the Pony, there are shouted orders to "SPLIT!" and "DUMP!" and "PEEL!" until some lucky wordsmith has completed his pile o' tiles and lets fly with "BANANAS!" A riot then ensues! I call my good-at-games wife an "asshole!" Twins are rent asunder, spewing bile at one another like defeated she-cobras! Baby chickens have tears well up! Visiting pro skateboarders resolve to read more!
I'm not one to tout "sober fun," but a grand time was had by all!
Also: Windom Earle's LP cover FINALLY came together:

AND deer [click to enlarge, though you still can't really see shit]!:


Mary said...

Dude! I got Hannah (banana) Banagram for xmas!! True story.

The GladGirl said...

I received this as a gift. It has been on my shelf unopened.
I was raised in a huge game playing family that was so competitive it left me scared. I mean, for real, SCARED.
I have a 1974 Spoon Flinch scar on the second finger of my left hand to prove it.
My mom is still like hardcore Boggle maniac.
They get violent when I say no to games every holiday.
I need a support group.