Friday, June 11, 2010

Plucking suckers - a lesson in FEAR

When I was a kid, I went to some school seminar with some (real) smart kids about computers [alarming syntax of this sentence can serve to remind that Imperial Bedrooms is going arrive any day now!]. My problem with the 1979-era computer stuff was a simple lack of comprehension on how little blips of electricity could go around circuit boards and become, well, something. I still don't understand this, still, but with computers being omnipresent, I don't really have to understand. Those other kids, blithely writing friggin' intense if/then statements and oblivious to my dilemma were trying to teach me a lesson: It's better to not overthink.

Then, one of the times I was flunking out of college, I drunkenly thought it wise to ask my Western Civ prof something about, well, how do we know that Sodomanius the First REALLY decided to pillage Carthage on March 11, 212 BC? I just couldn't fathom that there were/are some sort of records that verified all this, and still don't. So, like Holden's paper on Egypt, I stuck my head into the lion's mouth of my ignorance. I forget what the guy said - all I remember is that the prof lived with his mom (!).

All of which is a long way of saying that I intend to pluck the sucker leaves off out tomatoes this year, but, despite all I read/youtube on this topic, no one can tell me (to my satisfaction) WHICH bits of leaf to excise or when to stop! "DON'T OVERPRUNE!" is the universal chiding one says exactly HOW MUCH is overpruning, nor does anyone show what a successfully pruned, fully grown plant looks like. How do I know I'm not trimming a leaf that will produce a prize-winner, goddammit???


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