Friday, June 19, 2009

Agree or not,

this is a hot quote, from EM Forster:

1 comment:

mockstar said...

Even more than those Everyman factors that made it a perfect test market for McRibs and the like, I was thinking today how the two biggest factors now turning America into Rome -- specifically, the bad deeds of military and big business -- manifested in Dayton.

And how Daytonians trusted both of these entities to DTRT, just like we trusted the cheap meat from corporate food joints that made us all fat and gave our parents diabetes.

In retrospect, trusting bigass entities with no inherent morality or rules is like trusting a hound dog on a meat truck.

That may sound like Dan Ratherspeak but I heard the phrase coined in the parking lot of a strip mall outside a 7/11 in West Carrolton.