Monday, June 1, 2009

MY stimulus provision of the day

Remember all that talk of stimulus spending? I never hear about it anymore.

If it's not too late, I would like to add something.

I think the gubmint should pay for adult-sized bicycles for all the dudes one sees, who have likely lost their licenses for whatever reason, riding kid-sized bikes from place to place. Whether they are going to meet the man or get a forty or whatever, indignity of having to ride l'il Kylie's pink Hello Kitty two-wheeler to get a RockStar Energy drink and some Marlboro Lights is too much.

Moreover, all the decimated auto factories, re-tooled for bicycles and running at full capacity 24 hours a day for one hundred years, could not fill the need for these adult bikes that one sees in a weekend driving around the necrotizing hamlet of D_____.

I'm writing my congressman!

1 comment:

nrbqdoc said...

This morning, after a cold bowl of poison, I wrote about my stimulus package