Friday, June 5, 2009

Why magazines are dying

Had a dream this morning that I left an issue of some newsmag in a hotel room in Florida. I called the hotel to see if I had left it (which sounds like something dream-logicky, but is probably the kind of dumb shit I would do, cos, as you know, ones's gotta save some especially good magazines for later on for the kids to look at) and the receptionist said that, yes, I had, but that they were coming for it.

In my dream, see, a magazine left behind was responsibility of the publisher, who would then send a car to pick up your neglected issue and forward it to be back to you the next day. No mere replacement issue, either - your actual copy, with your finger prints along the edge of the cover, smearing the ink where it wasn't quite dry. Your daiquiri rings. Your crinkles and tears.

If magazine publishers offered this service, they wouldn't be in such a world o' hurt.

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